Pinebrooke Community Church
Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Week of November 5, 2023

Monday, November 06, 2023

Weekly Blog


               In the rhythm of the church that some are aware of and others not so much, but I think it is a worthwhile celebration.  It is usually referred to a “All Saints Day.”  I think it is worthwhile to remember those who have gone before us that God used to lead us to faith in Christ.  God used some to explain the gospel of Christ to us and others he used to show us the way through their lives.

               Many times, in modern history there have been multitudes of efforts to draw attention to the salvation message.  In my lifetime whether it was a Billy Graham Crusade or other evangelist or the “I Found It” strategy or simply sharing the Four Spiritual Laws with fellow college students.  We are a very media savvy population, but in my life, it was the influence of those who were living out the character of Jesus in one way or another that had the most impact on me.

               When I think of saints, I think of those that grasped the way of love and sacrifice to provide a path with clarity in pursing the Jesus way, truth, and life.  Since childhood I have had the grace of spiritual writers who speak to the deeper issues in discipleship.  These writers who have passed on to glory continue to speak to me of what the way of the greater glory of God is.  I have discovered true saints from different theological stripes who grasped God’s love and His ways from biblical days throughout the following history.



Week of October 29, 2023

Monday, October 30, 2023

Weekly Blog


               Today we celebrate an event in history that makes a great difference in the lives of those who follow Jesus.  Reformation Sunday is a commemoration of a time of choosing the Word over tradition, truth over supposition, faith over works, grace over penance, Christ over the Church.  The practical point is that to be a disciple of Jesus is to focus in on the “freedom of the Christian.”

               As followers of Jesus, we have a heritage of courage, not just courage in the past but the way of courage in the present.  Standing on the truth of Christ and standing up for the truth is part of our DNA. As is often the case we tend to depend on the work that those in the past did for our sakes while the challenge is to do the work to refresh and sustain the truth in the present.

               Truth separates fact from fiction, but the learning to live Jesus’ truth is an expression of compassion, not judgment.  Judgment is God’s bailiwick not ours.  But we can and are called to hold to the truth.  In both the heavenlies and on earth truth is always under attack.  As disciples of Jesus we are called to step up and fill the gaps all around us with truth.  



Week of October 22, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I’m thinking about the “wisdom of stability” these days.  Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove wrote a book by that name to describe the work that God had given he and his wife to do in Walltown area of Durham, North Carolina.  A group of believers made a commitment to live in a run-down area of Durham and bring the way of Jesus through their personal and communal lives.  It required staying put and living out the gospel of Christ.

               In our faith community we have been studying the attributes of God over the last several months as we seek to learn to know who God is and how He is different necessarily than ourselves.  Our final theme focuses on the immutability of God, a God who does not change.  What occurs to me is that God knows that the immutability of God is important for us.  Everything in temporal life is on the move usually in dissipation.

               The stability of God is life, eternal life.  His staying the same is anything but boring.  The stability of God as He enters our lives is the source of a dynamic life.  His immutability when we embrace Him allows us to be the creatures that He created us to become.  Steadiness of life is the environment for profound change.  I am thankful that the unchanging God of ours is continually present and accessible.




Week of October 14, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Weekly Blog


               One of the great dilemmas in living as humans is our natural bent toward fulfilling our own will while we live in a universe governed by God’s will.  It some ways we are simply kidding ourselves when we think we have power over the will and ways of God.  I suppose that the very nature of sin is to think we are who we are not and to think that we have power over all circumstances of life.  I think about that when I hear someone say, “I’m never going to let that happen again” as though they have the power over every uncomfortable circumstance.

               The fact is we live under the umbrella of God’s sovereignty.  Only God is totally free, and our freedom is rooted in Jesus.  Our self-protective instincts can control our actions.  It is only when we receive our freedom from Him and in Him that we have any semblance of true freedom and yet it is freedom to find ourselves safe under the will of the One who loves us most.

               God’s sovereignty becomes our friend when we make space to reflect on the many showings in our lives where God showed up with goodness, beauty, and truth.  Seeing God go before us is a way for us to embrace His sovereignty.  I’m so glad that God is sovereign that He has always known what was good and He has always had the power to work within His will of “prosperity” of spiritual goodness for me.  Learn to pay attention to His ways with each of us is the path to so much joy.



Week of October 8, 2023

Monday, October 09, 2023

Weekly Blog


               It is God’s job alone to maintain the wholeness which is the healthiness of the universe.  That is why He gets angry over sin.  Sin disrupts and destroys our wholeness and the universe’s wholeness because we are part of the universe.  That is why we need to tune into holiness.  Holiness maintains our wholeness as well as the universe’s wholeness.  Holiness is our friend because it is for our good.  Unholiness robs us of our well-being.

               God is always interested in our good.  It would seem that we aren’t always.  Why would I choose that which is to my detriment?  Maybe the fact is I have been tricked by the evil one and frankly, I trick myself.  That is the hard thing to keep in mind.  Often, I don’t know what is best for me and I am willing to settle for less than God is willing to do.

               My point is holiness is our friend.  If we don’t hold out for it in our world, who will?  There is a beauty in holiness, and we need to learn to see it that way.  It is up to us as followers of Jesus to hold fast to holiness.  That is our first assignment.  Gordon T. Smith makes a great case for the fact that our main work is vocational holiness in his book, Called to Be Saints.  




Week of September 24, 2023

Monday, September 25, 2023

Weekly Blog


               We have officially entered the autumn season and with it a different rhythm.  Along with the weather in this season it is like a reprieve before winter.  It is a perfect season to notice, attend to, and wonder.  I think we are okay with noticing, not as good at making the space necessary to attend to, but utter failures at wondering.  Wondering requires stopping and allowing ourselves to enter into awe.

               Awe speaks to our souls and our souls provide the sacredness of our lives.  If we make empty space to notice that leads to wonder, we need the space to use our imagination as well as our thinking.  Our imagination brings color to our lives.  It helps us see beyond the surface of reality and engage the depths of life.  Wondering leads us beyond our self-referenced thinking in order to see God behind all that is.                                                                                                                                                                                                

               Autmn is also the season for preparation.  Though it never last as long as I would like, it does provide enough time to take on the richness, the spiritual calories if you will that will be needed for the natural transitions and challenges that no doubt are ahead for us.  Preparation takes time and it is a process of good labor that enriches the soul.  I think the challenge of autumn is to make empty space that is not distracted so that we can receive what God has to give us.



Week of September 17, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Weekly Blog


               This week I am giving thought to the compassion and mercy of God.  What is difficult for us is that according to the scriptures (Ex. 33:19) God chooses who He has mercy for and who He is compassionate toward.  What God does is governed by His own will and His actions are not according to a principle.  I think we want life to be governed by impersonal principles so that we can be assured of what will happen.  But in fact, that is on us, not on God.

               On one hand we are quick to confirm that God is Person and relates to us personally, yet we are not ready for what that means.  Our first error in our thinking is that we know what God’s attributes mean and how they will be expressed in our “earthly” life.  It behooves us to study the scriptures to see how God’s ways have been with His created ones and how it varies in accordance with His purposes.

               What is consistent is that in compassion and mercy God came to earth to provide a way for our salvation.  That is available to all who believe.  We can choose to place our lives in His hands for His purposes (Isa. 43:7) and that is a compassionate path.  In His compassion He offers to shape and form us in the way of Jesus.  Compassion and mercy is all around us, but always on His terms.




Week of September 10, 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023

Weekly Blog


               This week I am giving thought to the justice of God.  Our most common distorted attachment is that we have a tendency to think about justice from the center of ourselves out.  Such as if it seems just to me then it is just.  If it doesn’t seem just to me then it isn’t just.  I suspect that most of our practical theology is not with God and His Word and actions, but with our “take” on things that fit our way of thinking.  Thus, when it comes to our understanding of life we live with a distorted perspective.

               When we look carefully at how God looked at things through His story with us, we see that the notions of righteousness and justice stands apart from our normal human self-referenced perspective.  It would seem that with absence of God as the center of reality we are particularly at a loss to come to grips with the fact that reality defies our sensibilities.

               We can glibly declare that we need to let God be God, but are we ready for that?  To let God be who He is requires that we live in submission to Him, how He thinks and how He acts.  The scriptures are replete with story after story of what God says and what God does.  Can we learn to let Him define the meaning of the words that we are given.  If we choose live what He says and if we accept what He does our lives become more of what we were created for.  





Week of August 27, 2023

Monday, August 28, 2023

Weekly Blog


               If we learn God’s way and if we walk in the light as He is in the light we will stand apart as odd, irrelevant, and out of touch.  Things have come to that in our world!  Living tossed to and fro by the ever-changing mood of our day has come to be known as an in-step, progressive mindset.  No wonder there is such a stressful spirit that describes ordinary life in our contemporary world.  To stand apart has never been acceptable.  It wasn’t in Jesus’ day, and it isn’t in our day.

               The Chosen has informed us that Jesus was mostly known as a “rogue preacher” to the establishment.  To walk in the light as He is in the light continues to identify us as radical or revolutionary.  Our greatest challenge is to stay the course to the end and not bend to the forces that surround the followers of Jesus to “not be ridiculous” and “find a middle ground” in which to carry our “religion.”  Among the many influences that his solitary life revealed, Jesus’ “centeredness” was and is the most powerful.

               I think our challenge is to learn the cadence that Jesus set for us and walk in it.  It becomes a personal choice and in the vocabulary of Ignatius of Loyola, it is a matter of our election, our choosing a deeper way and fuller path.  Doesn’t it seem that our days are more like Jesus’ day than the day into which we were born.  These are the days of Elijah.  The days of meaningful separation, separating our hearts to Christ.  We can lament the direction of our days or we can embrace the unique call of Christ in which we are daily called to “carry our crosses” and thus live for His glory alone.





Week of August 20, 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I confess I grew up believing propositional truth and doubting human personal experience.  My misunderstanding came from believing that in my fallenness everything about my humanity was distorted except for my brain and if I were to think rationally, logically, and in a linear way that we be the only path to reality.  What I didn’t recognize was some of the very truths that I believed.  For instance, as Moses wrote in the Genesis, that we were created in God’s image with all the human capacity that we would need to obey the will of God and to experience Him as Adam and Eve did.

               I’ve come to see in the writers of the Text of God’s story with us, they wrote out of their experiences with God that we have come to see as truth.  From Genesis to Revelation God has been speaking and working and listening to those who tell us the Story.  I think one of the reasons that the film, The Chosen, has connected for so many people is that the text that we are so familiar with has “come to life” through the imagination of the writers of the screen play.

               The disciples have come to life with real character depth.  We can see ourselves in them and their personal stories speak to us just as Jesus’ words and way speaks to us.  We are able to see that the message is in the experience.  Words on the page are certainly true, but they are more than words on the page.  They are realities to be experienced.  Each character models a common human experience in coming to follow Jesus and that is the point – coming to follow Jesus.  We each have obstacles to overcome for the sake of our genuine discipleship with Jesus.  Their story spurs me on!







Week of August 13, 2023

Monday, August 14, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I’ve been giving thought to discernment as a way of life.  For a follower of Jesus there is both knowledge to be gained and wisdom to be acquired and a present sense of openness to be experienced.  The reading I have been doing goes to great lengths to make discernment a practice broken down into numerous rules of discernment.  But as helpful as they might be it seems that specific awareness and attentiveness spiritually provides the necessary spiritual intuition.

               There are three categories of knowledge that fill our spiritual base: what is God’s way for us in the Jesus, “way, truth, and life.”  What is the evil one’s way for us, “to steal, kill, and destroy.”  And what is the way of the flesh, “lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life.”  All three of these influences are part of the discernment journey.  If our core question is, what is God’s will for me in this or that situation that needs to be our beginning question.

               As the Apostle warned us, “we war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in heavenly places.”  The evil one’s main goal is to disrupt our journey of walking with God.  He is the great disrupter.  He uses pride and deception to distort the journey always wanting to “steal, kill, and destroy.”  Spiritual discernment is meant to be part of our daily story of life, living with God in the atmosphere of the fruits of the Spirit.           






Week of August 6, 2023

Monday, August 07, 2023

Weekly Blog


               Ignatius of Loyola has had a significant influence both in his lifetime and since his death.  His experience of conversion has provided humankind with fruitful path to be wholly converted to Jesus.  The journey begins with a vivid engagement with the love of God for each of us personally and intimately.  The journey includes walking with Jesus through each phase of our conversion story.

               The preparation for the journey leads us to encounter the gracious created reason for our existence on earth, created for the glory of God.  If we can learn to hold that truth in the reality of our souls and not let go, it becomes a beacon that continually draws us into it and sheds light on the way before us day by day.

               The pursuit of God is our life-long cadence.  As we engage the way of Jesus we are faced with the continual process of praise, reverence, and service.  It is meant to lead us to a life of greater and greater intimacy with Him.  As we draw close to Him, His radiance transforms our souls so that we might follow the Teacher even above the teachings.  In this God separates us into a relationship with Him above any religion.






Week of July 30, 2023

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I’ve been giving thought to the fact that we have been created for God’s glory (Isa. 43:7).  It is the purpose of our existence.  I’ve thought about what that means for me and to me.  I don’t think we are all that used to the word glory, so I’ve been seeking out what Mirriam-Webster have to say about it.  Surely, they could be of some help – and they were.  The word that resonates most for me in my study is the word, radiance.  Thus, we have been created for His radiance.  I find that stunning!

               In my study of the nature of God that is given to us through the Holy Spirit is palatable.  If I read it right, I’m to radiate every day all day, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.  Yes, I have to contend with my fallen but deeply loved by God nature, but the question is, do I envision life as a created one who exists for the radiance of God?

               I think the saddest thing that can exist is a Christian who does not know that he was created on purpose for a purpose that brings glory to God in the radiance of his life.  Maybe our struggle is that we have become attached to lessor things so that we never rise to our calling in Christ.  Our created purpose from God is meant to set us free to pursue the greatness that God has always had in mind for us.




Week of July 24, 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023

Weekly Blog


               Journeying through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises can be a life transforming experience.  The focus is on experiencing God as a way of life and entering into the freedom that that brings.  I’m reminded of Paul’s statement in his letter to the Galatian Church, “It was for freedom that Christ set you free.”  The Ignatian term for that freedom is indifference.  Not our usual definition of the term, but the focus is on Christ so that the other influences in life take a backseat to Jesus.  It is meant to give us freedom to live in His atmosphere.

               When we learn to breathe Jesus there is an amazing freedom and centeredness that the chaos that often encircles us in circumstances cannot take away from our hearts and minds and souls.  I think that gives us the opportunity to live in accordance with our true selves, not the false self of lust and pride.

               It doesn’t matter the Christian tradition or era, there have always been saints of Christ who have undertaken the path that has led to a meaningful encounter with Jesus from Paul’s statement to the Galatians, “I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me…” to Teresa of Avila to Thomas a Kempis to Julian of Norwich to Ignatius of Loyola to A.W. Tozer to C.S. Lewis to Dallas Willard.





Week of July 17, 2023

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I read something a week or so ago that has provoked me, and I have given a fair amount of thought to it since.  In one of the groups, I am in we are working our way through the book, Following the Call.  My friend, Chuck Moore who is a part of the Bruderhof has assembled a weekly reflection on the Sermon on the Mount.  One of the questions in the first chapter has stayed with me, “How is following a teaching different than following a teacher?”  I’ve been provoked that the first disciples were simply following the Teacher.

               The dynamic of that pulls at my heart.  I’m all for following what Jesus taught, but I am even more excited about following the Teacher.  The question is not what would Jesus do, but rather what did Jesus do?  It is of a completely different mood to consider the existential dynamic of walking with Jesus throughout the day, day in day out.  I cannot get away from the draw of the present personal dynamism that the disciples experienced.

               I don’t think it is all that unusual for us to give ourselves to want to follow a script.  However, it is a whole new thing to follow the Person of Jesus.  We have to get used to not knowing where we are going, what we are going to be doing, and how long we are going to be there.  It seems like the Lord’s Prayer makes a lot of sense if we are intent on following the Teacher.  There is a dailiness about it and there is an immense practicality to life with the Teacher.  


Week of July 9, 2023

Monday, April 10, 2023

Weekly Blog


               An important aspect of life is the dimension of growth resident in our minds and hearts.  Over time we are meant to be engaged in the transformation of letting go and embracing.  I think that is what is required to continually experience vitality.  There have always been things that we have thought and valued that we know now are not what we thought they were.  Growth is about choosing what we come to understand to be more important.

               Experience has to be experienced and we cannot know what we have not experienced.  We can make a commitment early in life to be shaped by that which has stood the test of time – the Word of God, but we rarely can perceive its importance when we are young.  So much of what we think is gathered from the surrounding world and its influences.  It is hard to anticipate that which sets life apart in its fullness when we have so little experience.

               Frankly, the richness of life is meant to grow and in order to grow, fresh water must enter into our minds and hearts.  It is not unlike the two bodies of water between the Jordan River.  The Sea of Galilee, fresh water in and fresh water out.  The Dead Sea, fresh water in, no water out.  One is the metaphor of life, the other the metaphor of death.




Week of July 2, 2023

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I may have written about this before, but actually I don’t remember.  It is so important that if I did it is worth repeating.  Dallas Willard wrote a book titled, Life Without Lack.  It is about living out Psalm 23.  In dealing with faith as a central aspect in our spiritual lives, he uses Job’s experience as an example of the progression in our faith development.  In a very helpful way, he identifies the most common experience that we have with faith when it names it, the faith of propriety.  It is the common notion that if we are being blessed, we are where we should be.

               On the other hand, if things are going wrong, then there is something we need to correct in our faith.  However, life in the ways of God is meant to deepen our trust in Him.  We don’t come by trust easily as it requires that we put our full weight on Him and that is an uncomfortable dependence for us.  Putting our full weight on Him requires that we let go of being able to control everything in our lives.  Letting go feels very risky, yet that is often what He asks of us.  The second stage of our faith development he calls, the faith of desperation.

               It is when we are desperate and are genuinely not in control that we are finally open to faith on His terms.  Faith on His terms is the faith of sufficiency.  When God is enough and we have no other protection, it is then that trust in Him means something.  I don’t know if we have to go through the challenges that Job did in order to come to the faith of sufficiency, but if we are willing to challenge our simplistic definitions and live with the risk of sufficiency, I do think it can change the arc of our life in Christ.   




Week of June 25, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I’ve been giving some thought to the importance of experience.  For some of us in the Christian paradigm we have been taught that truth is limited to propositional statements and the theological defense of those statements.  But I think God has shown Himself in the scriptural account that though he does not need anything, he wants to be known in our experiences.  It is difficult to have relationship without experience of the “other.”  It seems to me that what we believe about God is meant to be experienced with Him.  It is hard to imagine a relationship without experience.

               We only know in the deepest most genuine way through our experience.  What we believe about God it is only of help to us when we experience it.  In other words, to know Him is to experience Him.  I can love the Lord thy God with my head, only with my heart.  What is it then to engage my heart if not with the experience of life.

               Experience is historical, it happened in time, it is emotional, or it engages my feelings, it is meaningful or memorable.  When we encounter God in creation, in conversations, and in circumstances those are all experiences.  Thinking and feeling are both essential in the process of experience.  All the great spiritual writers from former times wrote from what they had experienced with God, and I think that is why we still are impacted by what they have shared with us.  It might behoove us to take some time this week and collect some of the experiences that we have had in creation, conversation (including meet Him in the scriptures), and circumstances.  He reveals Himself all the time to us if we can see His hand and recognize His voice.





Week of June 12, 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I have been giving thought to the “being” of God.  I don’t think we give thought to that maybe because it has never occurred to us or maybe it is because we don’t know how to think about it.  I confess that I am indebted to an author from an earlier generation, A.W. Tozer, d. 1963 the same year that C.S. Lewis died.  When Tozer writes about God’s attributes, he addresses God’s being.  The subject seems to be rather esoteric, but when one gives careful thought to those attributes there is great substance that makes a difference in our lives.

               One of my frustrations in my theological education is that doctrines were taught only as propositional truths.  The question never seemed to come up, so what?  What difference does this fact regarding God and God’s way with man make?  I’ve grown to see that every truth regarding God matters and makes a difference in our lives when we come to realize that truth is meant to be experienced.  For instance, it makes a difference in my life when I experience God’s sovereignty.  Sovereignty includes God’s omniscience (all knowing), God’s omnipotence (all powerful), and absolute freedom (accountable to nothing but His own will).  Sovereignty is not then linear but to the mortal mind, a mystery.

               It is easy to see God’s sovereignty in retrospect, reflecting on the past.  He shows up in completely unpredictable ways.  As someone said in my hearing many years ago, “God is predictably unpredictable.”  So, how then do I experience Him in His sovereignty?  His sovereignty cultivates my faith and trust in Him when I can control what is happening.  Sovereignty is an aspect of His being.  The Scriptures reveal to us how God’s sovereignty has been expressed in various circumstances with various people in the Scriptures.  I think God wants us to experience His sovereignty that we might come to know Him more fully.       




Week of May 29, 2023

Sunday, April 02, 2023
 Weekly Blog


    Today is Pentecost Sunday, a watershed day in the life of the Church.  The water of life flows in a completely different direction from before the coming of the Spirit to live in us to now, the season of the Spirit.  Life was measured by obedience to the Law of Moses and now it is measured by growth and consistency in walking in cadence of the Holy Spirit.  Historically, so much of the churches focus has been on the event of Pentecost, yet Jesus focused on the on-going role of the Spirit for the sake of the kingdom of God.

    The teaching, revealing, empowering work of the Spirit makes all the difference in our lives.  The empowerment of the Spirit in essence is for the person we are to become.  Jesus’ concern for the disciples was always about the kind of persons they were to become because as a different way was being shaped in them a different expression of life would come to characterize their lives.  The immersion in the Spirit is what engendered a radical way of life.

    In light of our forefathers in the way, truth, and life of Jesus are we in any way a replica of that radical life?  Pentecost was a radical day!  A day that would be a day for the message of the kingdom of God.  Is that true of our lives?  Is the way that we are both an insight into the work of the Spirit as well as a replica of what the Spirit came for?  Or do we view this day as a day in the past that carries little weight in the present?  That would be a tragedy of tragedies!  Or as Paul was inclined to say, “miserable of miseries.” 








Week of May 22, 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
 Weekly Blog


     One of the central themes in our life in relationship with God is faith.  I’ve been reading about Job’s faith in Dallas Willard’s text, Life Without Lack.  As I have been reading, George Mueller of Bristol has come to mind.  He is my hero in living out the Lord’s Prayer.  I have been especially impacted with how he remained faithful to “… give us this day our daily bread.”  And yet when his daughter took seriously ill his comment was that it was to test his faith in God at a deeper level.

      So, the story of Job was like that.  It was to test his faith in God at a deeper level.  Like most he had had a faith that was simple and linear.  If you are religiously good, God would bless you.  He knew a lot of that blessing in his life.  If things went “south”, then there was a problem in what you were doing.  Linear thinking is like that.  It is unprepared for the mystery of heaven’s conversations and intentions.

      When we make the mistake of thinking that all of reality is visible and understandable, we have a problem in our thinking.  Our thinking is always at issue.  Job didn’t know what he didn’t know.  He didn’t know about the conversation taking place in the heavenlies.  Maybe he would have come to the end of himself sooner if he did, but it isn’t God’s way to always inform us of what is going on.  The point was for Job to come to the place that Dallas calls the “faith of sufficiency.”  The destination of faith is trust when we place our full weight on God.  That is the point of the Job’s life story.



Week of May 8, 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
 Weekly Blog

I’m being confronted with terminology that I am somewhat unfamiliar with.  As I have been writing a paper for a class I am taking, maybe it would be more accurate to say, “it is taking me.”  Anyway, the terminology that I have been less familiar with as it references our attitude toward God’s work within us is the notion of generosity.  I know what the biblical value of generosity is, it includes a sense of sacrifice.  In Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian Church, he appealed to them to sow generously and that included varying degrees of sacrifice.

Ultimately the question put before me is, am I generous toward God?  The context is about much more than money.  The question I have been dealing with is, “am I generous with my life in both pursuit of and receptivity toward God?”  In my more familiar verbiage, “do I want all that He has for me, and do I hold back anything?”  Do I put any limits on my relationship with Him trying to maintain control?  Are there any limits I put on my efforts in pursuit of Him?

In 2 Corinthians 8 Paul describes the generosity of the Macedonian churches essentially saying that they put no limits on their generosity.  They found great joy in their generosity.  Generosity was not limited by what they had, but what they were willing to give.  When I think about what God has been willing to be give to me, why would there be any limits on my generosity toward Him?  It is a very convicting consideration.   




Week of May 1, 2023

Monday, May 01, 2023
   Weekly Blog
 I’ve been struck with the cursory way that online voices reference the Bible when they are only repeating something that another popular voice (to them) acts as ones who can speak authoritatively regarding the truth of God. I fear it is the way of popular ethics, rooted in political opinion not the Word of God. I am quite certain that God has revealed His mind to us in the inspired Word of God. When the ways of man run up against what God has said then there must be a way to manipulate or minimize the significance of what God has said.
 We learn to know God through the Scriptures. We learn what He is like, what His attributes are. We learn about Him through the ways He has dealt with people, His created ones. We are invited into a genuine personal relationship with Him through prayer, worship, and reading His revelation in order to be formed in the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). Why wouldn’t we give ourselves to a personal relationship with our Creator? Why wouldn’t that be the priority of our lives? Yet, it would seem that at best most only dabble in the spiritual.
 I am reminded of Paul’s statement to the Colossian church when he said, “… your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” Our real life is the life that we live in relationship with God when He is the only one in the audience. Our participation with God in this relationship is meant to be the focus of life. Everything of value comes from that.

Week of April 24, 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023
 Weekly Blog


     It is my perspective that if we are to develop a relationship with God, we need to learn to know Him in our experience with Him, just as we would if we have any other relationship.  I confess that that the relationship I grew up with was simply to know the truths about God so that a relationship with God was primarily a cognitive encounter.  Yet, so much of the scriptures are written by or about characters that knew Him in their experience.  So much of the Psalms are written to reveal the dynamic in David’s experienced relationship with Yahweh.

     I wonder if that is the obstacle in our faith.  Do we have so little impact on our day to day living because the truth of God has not been our experience?  Are we any different than our neighbors?  We face the same kind of human (earthly) circumstances, but do we respond to them differently.  It seems that if we are indeed the light of Christ on earth and that is part of our purpose, what evidence is there that we are indeed the light.

     I think the progression of our growth in Him requires that we learn to face ourselves in truth.  Are we being transformed in any genuine way.  Do I respond to the challenges that face me any differently than my neighbor.  The challenge is whether the substance of who I am on the inside is any different because I say that I have a relationship with Christ.  After all the scripture tells me that I am “predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ” in this life.  We need to ask those around us, “do you see the light of Christ in me,” how do you see that. 





Week of April 17, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Weekly Blog


              My afterglow following Easter has been to consider, “How Then Shall We Live.”  There is a great pull to simply fall back into line with “what needs to get done” but what if we were to resist that and consider what Paul called, “heaven’s realities” in Colossians 3?  I admit, I have been watching the seasons and episodes of The Chosen and I’ve been struck with the fact that Jesus work was in the midst of the hustle and bustle of His day, but he did His kingdom work anyway.  It wasn’t always easy for his followers to keep their focus.

              I think that is one of the realities of kingdom of God living.  We have to accept the hustle and bustle of ordinary life, but it is critical that we are not shaped by it.  In fact, it is essential that we find out how God would have us live apart from it.  It doesn’t have to distract us if we know how to immerse ourselves in what matters most.  I used to use the illustration of the submarine.  How a submarine operates depends on what it is filled with.  Whatever it is filled with determines what it does.  So it is with us.

              If the Person and the Presence of God is what fills me, then I am able to live in a “centered” way.  The weight of Presence is capable of steering the course of my living.  Do you carry that kind of Weight, do I carry that Weight?  Not talking about physical pounds, but are you a Weighty person?  Am I a Weighty person.  Substance is meant to outweigh form just as character is meant to outweigh talent.  Everything about Jesus was substance and character.




Week of April 10, 2023

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Weekly Blog


              The process leading up to significant biblical events like Christmas and Easter can easily capture our attention with both Advent and Lent, but what about afterward?  I wonder if these crescendos dissipate too easily.  What is profitable to celebrate and then move on without a meaningful afterglow?  In the lectionary there is at least the intent to stay with the message for a number of weeks.  What if we were to hold the significance of Jesus’ story with us intentionally for some time?

              Just think about the past week.  What if we were to hold our visual image of Jesus astride a donkey’s foal for a while.  Let the lesson of that vignette reside in our minds and hearts.  What if we were to hold the Upper Room with a last Passover meal, the first celebration of holy communion, and foot washing kept in our frontals.  What if the movement of the Passion stayed with us?  How might it shape our minds and hearts.  And then Easter.

              Use your imagination, had you been at the tomb what might you have felt?  What difference would it make if your whole way of thinking were changed?  Is it possible for us to carry a truth that was first experienced long ago in a continuing, even fresh way?  I suspect that we suffer from forgetting what we know.  I’m reminded at how Solomon treated wisdom, he often kept saying to keep the truth “on your frontals.”  Don’t let transforming truths escape your everyday living.




Week of April 3, 2023

Sunday, April 02, 2023
 Weekly Blog

                I’ve been giving thought to foundations upon which we build our lives.  As we make space to listen to the pain and thinking that guides our day, it seems like the foundations have to be recalibrated.  I’m wondering if each new generation needs to revisit the foundations that set the disciples of Jesus apart from those who are simply Jesus admirers.  What does it mean for us to “love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind?”

                I’ve been rereading the work of A. W. Tozer, solid disciple of Jesus in the middle of the 20th century, The Knowledge of the Holy.  What stands out is that we are almost completely ignorant of who God is and how God works in our day.  The renewal that is needed in the church it seems is to restore the truth of God as our foundation.  Rather than our shaping God in our own image, it behooves us to let God shape us in His image.

                For all the desire in recent days to make the gospel of Christ relevant in our cultural milieu, it seems that our calling instead is to call the common culture to the gospel of Christ.  I am struck with Jesus words in the Sermon on the Mount when he said, “Enter though the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  In these days of an ever increasing volume it seems that Jesus calmly calls us to just live the gospel and our Father will rejoice.



Week of March 27, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I have given some thought this week to forgiveness.  As we pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray, forgiveness of trespasses, debts, or sins (depending on the translation and the location of the Lord’s Prayer) seems to be central to kingdom of God living.  Knowing that our culture no longer recognizes personal sin as a reality, though evil is attended to as long as it is seen as “out there” away from “in here” we are left with tolerance.  Tolerance requires nothing from us.

               In the words of N.T. Wright, “forgiveness is richer and higher and harder and more shocking than we usually think!”  When it comes to personal experience forgiveness requires more from us.  We are required to see ourselves in truth understanding our own sin and then not hold the “other” more accountable than we hold ourselves.  It is true that wrong is wrong, but sometimes our expectations of others is misplaced.  Sometimes we expect of others what God alone can do.

               In our common culture forgiveness itself is other offensive and to forgive becomes a point of contention, but is the way the kingdom of God will always be in earth’s fallenness.  When Jesus warned his disciples that they will be hated because he was hated we often forget that.  For some reason we have never owned that as part of our spiritual heritage.  Consequently, we have often failed to live out our identity in Christ.  If we could remember what Jesus said and just lived that out, we could come to understand better that we are “strangers and aliens in a foreign land.”




Week of March 20, 2023

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Weekly Blog


               I have given some thought this week to forgiveness.  As we pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray, forgiveness of trespasses, debts, or sins (depending on the translation and the location of the Lord’s Prayer) seems to be central to kingdom of God living.  Knowing that our culture no longer recognizes personal sin as a reality, though evil is attended to as long as it is seen as “out there” away from “in here” we are left with tolerance.  Tolerance requires nothing from us.

               In the words of N.T. Wright, “forgiveness is richer and higher and harder and more shocking than we usually think!”  When it comes to personal experience forgiveness requires more from us.  We are required to see ourselves in truth understanding our own sin and then not hold the “other” more accountable than we hold ourselves.  It is true that wrong is wrong, but sometimes our expectations of others is misplaced.  Sometimes we expect of others what God alone can do.

               In our common culture forgiveness itself is other offensive and to forgive becomes a point of contention, but is the way the kingdom of God will always be in earth’s fallenness.  When Jesus warned his disciples that they will be hated because he was hated we often forget that.  For some reason we have never owned that as part of our spiritual heritage.  Consequently, we have often failed to live out our identity in Christ.  If we could remember what Jesus said and just lived that out, we could come to understand better that we are “strangers and aliens in a foreign land.”



Week of March 13, 2023

Monday, March 13, 2023

Weekly Blog


                I’ve been reflecting on Annotation #6 in the Ignatian Exercises this week and I think it is relevant for all aspects of spiritual growth.  When evaluating the readiness of someone who has indicated a desire to be led through the Ignatian Exercises the standard is; are they open, generous, and courageous.  The synonym that is common within the Navigator Ministry is faithful, available, and teachable.  I have often found that people don’t change unless they are hungry.  These would all be good indications that someone is hungry.

                Unless in crisis of some kind most don’t live in the realm of openness, generosity, and courage.  The problem with crises is that they can be resolved more quickly than what is needed for actual growth.  I wonder also about age.  Do most young people have the hunger of openness, generosity, and courage necessary to face their lives in truth and want more from God and more with God?  Too much of one’s identity is tied up with possessions, position, and opinion.

                Richard Rohr has written to the effect that real growth is a second half of life thing.  It is true that with reflection, realization (experience), and restoration (appetite) change and growth has a chance.  Change itself is not the answer as there are many who make changes that are morally deficient, but with the Way, Truth, and Life of Jesus as the standard, but enriching genuine growth can take place.  When the God of the Bible is our point of reference, there is hope that is good hope.



Week of March 6, 2023

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Weekly Blog


                Even during the intentional season of Lent the ordinary battle presents itself to us – distracting noise.  No wonder one of the first disciplines in the disciples’ life was the practice of solitude and silence.  It is hard to imagine that in the first century A.D. believers had to deal with it, but when the Desert Fathers and Mothers of second and third centuries headed to the desert to escape the church, they were escaping the worldliness and noise that kept them from hearing the Word of God.

                What must the Lord bring about to get my full attention?  Maybe we need to learn to “read” our circumstances as tools to get our full attention.  I remind us that God is not a competitor and usually speaks in a still, small voice.  Is there empty space in my life in which I can hear Him?  In the practices of Lent, namely, prayer, repentance, and giving am I making space for Him?

                We need to remember in the midst of the noise, God is personal and He wants our relationship with Him to be personal.  In any healthy growing relationship communication, personal communication is what makes the relationship personal.  If He is not personally communicating with us our relationship is hardly personal.  If I am not actively communicating with Him, then our relationship is not personal.  The life we have been given in Jesus is personal in every way.



Week of February 27, 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023

Weekly Blog


                Here we are at the beginning of the season in the life of the Church called, Lent.  It is a season of preparation, preparation for the sincerest of celebrations, the celebration of Resurrection Sunday.  To get to the joyous celebration of the resurrection of our Redeemer and Restorer, it behooves us to walk carefully and soberly through the days of sorrow and sadness that sin requires of us.

                It is so ugly that sin ruined the beauty that God created in the First Garden that made Gethsemane necessary, but that is the nature of sin – to create suffering.  If we join Jesus in the journey, we know that there is an ominous nature to life that requires that we not flippantly race to Easter unscathed.  For the Resurrection to maintain its substance we have to come to grips with reality.

                That which is real is that in light of living in the Light of Christ we have before us an excessive self-referenced orientation that minimizes the forsakenness that Jesus built up to endure for our sakes.  This is a season meant to bring us to the end of ourselves and to bring us to a heart-felt love for the One who loves us most.  These days are days of stunning love!



Week of January 30, 2023

Monday, January 30, 2023

Weekly Blog


              The Bible is replete with episodes of God’s people communicating with God directly and honestly.  I wonder if we tend to miss that and not understand that this is what it looks like to be honest or people of the heart.  The truth is God is omniscient and He knows things as they are.  If we find ourselves reluctant to “tell it like it is” because we want to see ourselves a particular way, it is an example of self-deception.  As my good friend, Luther, is frequent to say, “It no use kidding ourselves.”

              God makes a distinction between honesty and dishonesty.  “With their mouths they praise me, but their hearts are far from me.”  As followers of Jesus are we not called to be the people of the heart?  Without our hearts engaged we are simply people of façade.  Maybe it is a matter of self-protection or worse that we think that we can have a relationship with God with only part of us.

              I suspect that many of us were taught that discipleship was essentially a matter of learning biblical theology and practicing evangelism.  On the other hand consider the disciples experience with Jesus which was a holistic encounter 24/7.  No wonder that Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  Does this not include our whole life, whole experience, relationship with Jesus?  It behooves us then to live honestly with Him because He is always honest with us.



Week of January 23, 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023

Weekly Blog


              Numerous stories in the scriptures reveal the nature of godly characteristics.  I think that is intentional on God’s part so that reality is beyond concept.  I’ve noticed that the Old Testament is rich with stories that reveal the characteristics of godliness.  If we are serious about becoming people after God’s own heart, we need the examples of character lived out.  We can learn in the classroom, but we only come to know as godliness is lived out in the laboratory of life.

              I’ve been dealing with commitment at the beginning of Ruth’s story this week.  It is a normal process for any characteristic to be tested and tempered.  The circumstances of life are both the arena for expression as well as the testing environment.  Circumstances reveal what is real and what is false.  It is always easy to perceive ourselves inaccurately.  Self-perception is almost always distorted.

              It is the grace of God that we are not faced with everything about ourselves all at once.  Living life, a day at a time is sufficient to be faced with the truth about ourselves an eye dropper drop at a time.  Life lived well is lived with a growing knowledge of the ways of the kingdom of God.  Not knowledge about, but knowledge of.


Week of January 9, 2023

Monday, January 09, 2023

Weekly Blog


              Perseverance, what does that godly characteristic look like in your life?  From time to time that is part of God’s agenda with us.  I suspect it is what is often the purpose behind suffering in our lives.  I don’t think we learn perseverance apart from it.  Obviously, there are many levels of suffering from mild struggles as in frustration with ourselves to actual physical and emotional suffering.  Sometimes we bring suffering onto ourselves through our expectations that are not met and at other times we experience suffering through the losses in our lives.

              According to the scripture writers suffering leads to perseverance and perseverance leads to hope (Jas. 1:1-2).  There is so many connections in the development of our character that includes “hard” that leads to “good.”  Left to ourselves we would always choose comfort and convenience leaving ourselves shallow and weak.  The weakness that the scriptures offer us is always humility and actually meekness or strength under control.

              As life becomes foreign to the apprentice of Jesus, we have the challenge of holding firm which will require perseverance.  If we hold out for the ways of the kingdom of God, we will always experience “push back” from our dark world.  Simply stated, perseverance is necessary if we are to remain faithful which is to remain loyal to our God.        



Week of January 2, 2023

Monday, January 02, 2023

Weekly Blog


              What does a new year offer us?  Some would say, “nothing new!”  But, in the spirit of the Advent Season that we have just completed there is so much more in the shadow of the Almighty.  If we keep the Savior in view, we are offered genuine hope, peace, joy, and love.  If we keep our eyes fixed on Him, we will have so much that our neighbor is not possessing.  We have the substance of an amazing ambassadorship.  We are meant to carry the way of the invisible within us.

              In a new year, we carry an invisible reality within our hearts, minds, and souls.  When Jesus entered our lives, we were remade to be different and then sent back into the darkness of a sin immersed world to be its light.  So, a new year offers us a new opportunity to shine with the light of Christ.  We should be able to be identified by the light of Christ shining through us.

              This is the feedback that we need to offer each other as a source of accountability.  We need to feedback observations from time to time to keep our light in focus.  Plus, we need to encourage one another as a means to build up one another.  That is part of our regular work within the community.  The challenge is always before us and in light of a new year, a fresh commitment to build up one another is on the agenda.



Week of December 26, 2022

Monday, December 26, 2022

Weekly Blog


              The ultimate night in the Holy Season has arrived – Christmas!  Is it a celebration of good news for you?  For many it is an event to get passed instead of a moment of new beginnings.  I’ve given much thought that in the divine announcement the angel said, “a Savior has been born unto you.”  What is it for the Savior to be born unto each of us?  I think the point is he is there and where am I to him.  Like most things in the first Advent, it is here and where are you in relationship to what God has given?

              This is an invitational season.  The invitation is an invitation to hope once again.  It invites us to embrace peace once again, embracing the wholeness of life that the Savior came to offer.  We are invited to rejoice in the gift of a Savior.  The love that we are drawn into is a first-time love.  For the first time agape love was revealed on earth.  This was to be a new kind of love, an unconditional love for the other.

              Frankly, the sentiments of the Christmas holiday celebration fall so far short of what is being offered to us in the Christmas Story.  This is one of those times that the original cannot be improved upon.  The announcement was a revolutionary moment in history.  And if we take the message seriously it remains a revolutionary message for all time, “a Savior has been born unto you.”  To everyone who will believe.


Week of November 7, 2022

Monday, November 07, 2022

Weekly Blog


                There is truth that has been revealed to us in the scriptures and most of it we forget because it hasn’t been shaped and formed in us.  I’ve been thinking about God’s ways that Moses learned of as he walked with Yahweh, experiencing fellowship with Him day by day.  David draws our attention to that fact when he wrote, “Moses knew the ways of God, Israel knew the deeds of God (Psalm 103:7).”  That has led me to reflect on something that the Lord said in Isaiah’s prophecy, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.”

                The fact is we get completely “bent out of shape” as we discover the reality of that truth unless we can remember it on a practical basis.  Ultimately, the issue is to learn to live in submission to God.  To not live that way creates our own stress.  When we struggle with wanting to get God to fulfill our wills, we are in an endless drama that God has nothing to do with.

                We can throw our hands up in frustration or we can seek to learn to know Him and how He works in our lives over the times of our lives.  Moses lived a very practical life with God, and he was conscious of what God’s ways had been with him.  God’s character is the same for everyone, but His ways are often very personal.  Think about it!  What have God’s ways been with you over the last 50 or whatever years?   



Week of October 24, 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022

Weekly Blog


                God’s ways are predictably unpredictable.  His character isn’t, as it stays the same, but what is often a mystery to us is that we often are at a loss because we don’t know His will.  Our tendency is to take our will or how we think and project it onto God.  It is hard for us to grasp that He alone gets to define the terms under which He is operating.

                Our temptation is to think that He should operate under the ways of heaven while we still live on earth.  His ways are redemptive and restorative and reconciling, but still in accordance with His will.  The key for us is to grow in intimacy with Him.  He always allows His created ones to choose His will or their will.  There is always more for us to learn in seeking Him.

                The ways of the Kingdom of Heaven are our calling.  It behooves us as the hands and feet of the Holy One to devote ourselves as the servants of His ways.  As we learn His ways as we come to know Him more intimately, we have the opportunity every day to live the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven among humankind.  That is how we live out the prayer Jesus gave His disciples.  




Week of October 17, 2022

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Weekly Blog


                The human ego can turn on a dime.  If our lives are built on an identity that is temporal, wealth, power, position, and all self-referenced living, all that needs to cause it to come crashing down is a change in our circumstances.  No matter how good it feels that it is, when a problem arises that we cannot control the response goes directly to an extreme.

                The scriptures are replete with examples of characters that crashed because one or more of the big three fell apart: wealth, power, prestige.  That is why Jesus’ teaching was so difficult for so many to comprehend.  When he tells us that we can gain the whole world and lose our soul, maybe the confusion was that his audiences didn’t really understand or recognize their souls.

                It sounds simple, but if we are rooted and grounded in Christ, the ego is set aside to its proper role and not the fallen notion that it normally takes.  Our rooted and grounded experience is the impotence to focus our well-being on that which does not change and is not destroyed by circumstances.



Week of October 10, 2022

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Weekly Blog


                Every episode of life is full of opportunity.  The opportunity is to reveal the ways of the kingdom of God as it resides within our hearts and minds.  As an example, there is a great difference between someone who can behave in a loving way from time to time and someone who is a loving person.  The one is a situational choice and the other is the natural way of living.

                The work of God is the transformation of the person so that in whatever circumstance there is the consistency of one’s way of being.  It seems as though our modern approach to discipleship has been satisfied with expressions of behavior.  Historically from the beginning of the Christ-life the emphasis has be on the transformation of the heart of persons.

                Paul describes it in Colossians 3 this way, “Since you have been raised to new life in Christ, think about the realities of heaven where Christ is seated in the place of honor at the right hand of God.”  The point is that we have been raised to a new life, a new way of being in Christ.  From day one it has been about being transformed into a new way of being.  May we not settle for anything less.



Week of September 19, 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022

Weekly Blog


                God gives us stories and incidences to teach us about His ways with us – the people of God.  These stories are gifts for us, and He wants us to open the gifts and enjoy the contents of those gifts.  We are unwise if we do not learn from these gifts what God is like, because learning what He is like adds to the reality of our experience with Him.

                We add these stories to teach us the dynamics of our theological structure.  The encounters in history provide the skeleton that the muscles, organs, and skin of our faith and knowledge of God are supported by.  That is part of how our faith becomes a “living faith.”

                We add the revelation of God in the Scriptures as the backbone of what we come to know of His relationship with us by faith.  In the times that we lack faith, these biblical stories of God with us can lift us up from doubt to belief.  When God has met this character in this way, He can meet me in a similar way.  Then faith is built.



Week of September 12, 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022

Weekly Blog


                Looking for the fingerprints of God in our life story is time well spent.  When we reflect on what God has done when we were not looking for Him can be a great encouragement that He has always been there, and He has always been at work.  Where we are today is simply another stop on the journey to where He is taking us.

                I’ve been freshly made aware of something that God told us through Paul’s letter to the Roman Church when he said, “You have been predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ.”   Whatever is going on in our lives has a reason, to conform us to the image of Christ.  Our conversion story is only the beginning of the journey.

                The circumstance of life is simply the setting for God to be at work in us to conform us to the image of Christ.  Circumstances are just circumstances.  The issue before us is always how do we respond to the circumstance; I think that is the substance of what God is interested in most.  He is about the work of shaping and forming our hearts so that we become like Jesus in our hearts.  When our hearts are changed, we live differently.  



Week of September 5, 2022

Monday, September 05, 2022

Weekly Blog


                I am almost embarrassed to say what the Lord has been saying to me this morning.  There is a connection with James 4:17, “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”  I’ve been reflecting on the “theory” of the Lord’s Prayer and realizing that it was given to us as the way to live.  I have been thinking about the things that I “trust” in that are usual, but transitory. 

                I have been rebuked by the Word as though I had thought that I didn’t need to live the way that Jesus instructed, but simply that I “ought” to live that way.  How foolish of me that I would treat what Jesus said as “theory” and not reality.

                One of the many ways that we(I) have been deceived is to think that Jesus’ teaching is a suggested way of life.  Those in history who have taken the Word seriously have much to teach us.  In particular this summer, I have been confronted with “The Stories of Great Christians” and George Muller in particular.  His commitment to the Lord’s Prayer is deeply convicting.   



Week of August 22, 2022

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Weekly Blog

                We are truly indebted to those who have gone before us in our faith.  As they have lived out the gospel of Christ, they have drawn attention to the many shades of Jesus’ way, truth, and life.  No one lived every color of the spectrum of the gospel perfectly, but each of the great Christians can enrich our spiritual lives.

                Every apprentice of Jesus lived in a particular time and circumstance, and they faced the world, the flesh, and the devil in their own time.  As Jesus took root in their lives and they apprehended the Word of God, the path before them reflects the light of Christ.

                Since Eden darkness has pervaded the human experience.  As someone has said, the saints of God are to be punching holes in the darkness with the light of Christ.  Each life story has been given to us as an inspiration and inspiration, faith and faith, hope.  Therefore, we need to know our world-changing ancestry and its help in our own journeys of faith.



Week of August 15, 2022

Monday, August 15, 2022

Weekly Blog

              We learn through our own experiences, but do you learn through other’s as well.  I know we don’t learn with the same dynamic as our own encounters, but isn’t it wisdom to learn from others as well as at least learn the revealed truth through the Scriptures?  This week I am learning through John Wesley’s story, and it draws me back to the Scriptures.

              He was actually a very wise man, and you can go online and discover at least 35 of his quotes that are gathered there.  When we expose ourselves to wisdom whether in the Scriptures or through a servant of Christ, I think it behooves us to read, absorb, and apply truth when it comes to us, especially in the easy way of someone else’s experience.

              I had a wise professor say that in his estimate if we read and absorbed and applied one Proverb a day (there are 31 chapters of Proverbs) we would do well to learn wisdom.  If one thing is missing in ordinary life it must certainly be wisdom.



Week of August 8, 2022

Monday, August 08, 2022
 Weekly Blog

Having just read, The Pastor’s Wife I am struck with the lack of remembrance in our daily lives of those who suffer imprisonment and a physical beating for their faith in Christ.  Why is it that hatred is rampant in our world against those who name Christ as their Savior, Redeemer, and Lord?  It is clearly the dominance of the evil one who hated Jesus from the very beginning.
We often forget, that is, if we have become so distracted by everyday life that we exist in the midst of a war.  The Apostle made that clear for our Ephesian ancestors when he said, “We war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities…”  Is it not our assignment to raise our intercession for those who are suffering in prisons and on the streets of every city?
I wonder if our greatest enemy lies in our expectations.  The common expectation in ordinary life is that this is more like heaven than hell.  Yet, if Satan has been given a degree of free reign on earth, shouldn’t we be conscious of that?  It confuses us those contradictory realities are simultaneous.  We are in the midst of our continual pursuit of the Holy One and at the same time here to battle in prayer and obedience against the evil. 

Week of August 1, 2022

Monday, August 01, 2022

Weekly Blog


                In Surprised by Joy we are gifted with a sacred narrative of one of the 20th centuries “Greatest Christians.”  What is the story of your journey to faith in Jesus Christ?  Can you look back and see the hand that was wooing you to a new life?  One of the gifts that C. S. Lewis gives us is that however the “moment” occurred, life was meant then to change forever.  It seems to me that we often celebrate the moment more than we celebrate the life that follows.

                One thing that Lewis does for us is that in his fiction he revisits the past and its impact on us in light of the journey that God has called us to.  A journey that shapes our experiences with Jesus as we move into fresh encounters of joy.  Joy is the term that C.S. Lewis uses to describe the arrival.  And as he is quoted as saying, “Joy is the serious business of heaven.”  Added to the depth of that observation, Dallas Willard is quoted as saying, “God is the most joyful Person in the universe.”

                Why have we so often lost our way in this world of chaos and suffering?  God is fully aware of all the chaos and suffering – that isn’t anything new to him.  Yet, He is by nature joyful and if we are truly in Him and He is us, why would we let the chaos and suffering rob us of joy.  Joy is a matter of seeing things through the eyes of the Divine.  Maybe it is time we move onto that!



Week of July 25, 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022

Weekly Blog


                “What God gets out of my life is not what I accomplish; it’s the person that I become.”  The wisdom of Dallas Willard turns the way of this world on its ear.  The difference between a self-referenced life and a Christ-referenced life is a universe apart.  I am challenged by Paul’s comments to the young church in Colossae when he said, “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven….  Think about these things of heaven, not the things of earth.  For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”   

                As followers of Jesus, we are called to think differently, what is important, what to invest in, and what to live for.  Our identities are meant to be rooted differently than our neighbor.  Dallas also helped us with the notion of reality.  God is real and life in Christ is what is real.  When the scriptures tell us that we are “strangers and aliens in a foreign land” it is telling us that we are meant to be transformed in our minds and hearts and called to be “different” than the culture in which we have been born.

                Summer is a time of growth.  Maybe this is a summer in which you grow more deeply in your experience with God.  Our whole salvation has been to lift us up into a realm of real encounter with the God who loves us most.  Summer is also a time to rest, so maybe your rest is simply to slow down so that you take in God’s loving presence and make empty space to hear His voice which usually comes as a whisper.



Week of July 4, 2022

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Weekly Blog


                “The way of God’s kingdom…which is the best way in the world, is accompanied with the most difficulties.”  Thus, spoken in the words of John Winthrop, first Governor of the Puritan colony in Salem, MA.  I’ve given considerable thought to our founding fathers in this present season of celebration.  Winthrop’s arrival to the shores of Massachusetts was some 10 years after the arrival of the Pilgrim sojourners at Plymouth.

                In the midst of the variant notions regarding the founding influences that we are immersed in today, it takes a courageous posture to look at the facts once again.  In the pre-1620 world of adventure and exploration, the investors from Europe funded the voyages for economic gain, but both the Pilgrims and the Puritans risked their lives and their fortunes for the single purpose of religious freedom.

                The intent from both Pilgrims in Holland and England and the Puritans from England was to establish a world built on the “way of God’s kingdom life.”  Though both endeavors have since been swallowed up by the greed and flesh of unredeemed man, the original pursuit was entirely valid.  It is my conviction that their intention ought yet to be the intention of the church of Jesus Christ wherever it exists.  I stand humbled by their grace and hope.
